- Domain Management
- Domain Contact
- Domain Registration
- .Name Domain/Email
- .Pro Domain
- Domain Transfer
- Domain Restore
- Free DNS
- Domain Free Services
- Whois
- Account
How do I renew my domains?
- Hover your mouse over "Domains" and click on Manage Domains
- Check the domains you want to renew
- Click Renew button under Domain Management
- Click Renew Selected or Renew All Due
How do I do a bulk contact update?
- Hover your mouse over "Domains" and click on Manage Domains
- Check the domains you want to update
- Click Contact button under Domain Management
- Click Update Selected
- Select your contacts
- Click Update to update contacts
How do I update my domain contacts?
- Hover your mouse over "Domains" and click on Manage Domains
- Click Manage button on the right of the screen of the domain you want to update
- Under Domain Settings click Change Contact
- Select your contacts and click Save
How do I do a bulk nameserver update?
- Hover your mouse over "Domains" and click on Manage Domains
- Check the domains you want to update
- Click Nameservers button under Domain Management
- Click Update Selected
- Enter your nameservers and click Add
- Click Update to update nameservers
How do I update my domain nameservers?
- Hover your mouse over "Domains" and click on Manage Domains
- Click Manage button on the right of the screen of the domain you want to update
- Under Domain Settings click Change Nameservers
- To add a nameserver, enter your nameserver and click Add
- To delete a nameserver, click Delete
- Click Save to update your nameservers
How do I lock/unlock my domains?
- Hover your mouse over "Domains" and click on Manage Domains
- Click Manage button on the right of the screen of the domain you want to lock/unlock
- Under Domain Settings click Domain Lock
- Click Lock or Unlock button to update domain lock
How do I get my domain authorization/transfer code?
- Hover your mouse over "Domains" and click on Manage Domains
- Click Manage button on the right of the screen of the domain you want to view
- Under Domain Settings click Get Authorization Code
How do I move my domain to my other account in 007Names?
- Hover your mouse over "Domains" and click on Manage Domains
- Click Manage button on the right of the screen of the domain you want to move
- Under Domain Settings click Change Account
- Enter your other account username and click Change
How do I register my own nameservers?
- Hover your mouse over "Domains" and click on Manage Domains
- Click Manage button on the right of the screen of the domain you want to setup
- Under Other Services click Register Nameservers
- Enter your server name and ip address
- click Create
How do I create a contact?
- Hover your mouse over "Contacts" and click on Create a Contact
- Enter your contact information
- click Create
How do I update a contact?
- Hover your mouse over "Contacs" and click on Manage Contact
- Click on the row you want to update
- Enter your contact information
- Click Save
Steps to Register Domain Names"
Open an account
Open an account the first time you use our registration services. You must use only alphanumeric characters (plus -). Your account information will be the default Contact and Registrant information for each domain name you will be registering. You may create new Contact or Registrant information as needed.
Login to your account
Login to the account you first created and select "Register Domains".
Check availability
Enter the domain name(s) you wish to register and click "Check". Select from the list of the available names you wish to register and click "Register".
Complete registration form
Follow the instructions on the page to continue. The Registrant, Administrative, Technical and Billing Contact Information are automatically displayed. You may click "Create" to create a new Registrant or Contact if they're different than what is displayed on the form. After you enter the new information, make sure to click "Reload" on your browser to have the new Registrant or Contact information take effect and be displayed on the list for you to choose.
Make Payment
Complete and submit the credit card payment form in order to complete the registration. If you do not submit the payment, your registration will not go through. We accept VISA, MC, AMX and Discover, and checks (US checks only).
The reasons a registration failed
- The name servers you entered do not exist.
- The Registrant and Contact information must be in alphanumeric characters only. If any field of this information contains native language characters, you must change them using the "Manage Contacts" menu.
- NEXUS information is required for .us registrations. You need to login to your account and select " Update Registrant" from the "Manage Contacts" menu to enter the NEXUS information before you proceed to register a .us name.
- You must do business in or be a resident of an EU member state to register an .eu domain name.
What takes place after you register a domain name?
A registered domain name itself does not automatically show up on a browser. You need to sign up a hosting service with a hosting provider in order for the domain name to be viewed by a browser.
You do not need a hosting service if you just want to use the domain name for email only. 007Names provides free email services for the domain names we sponsor. The free email setup is located at the "Free Services" menu of our web site.
How long does it take for a registered name to show up in the public whois list?
It may take up to twenty four (24) hours for a newly registered domain name to become available in the publicly available whois list.
What information does a domain's whois include?
A domain's whois information includes the following -
- Registrant (It is considered the owner of a domain name)
- Admin Contact ( Administrator contact of a domain)
- Billing Contact (the party that is responsible for the domain's billing)
- Technical Contact (it can be the same as the admin. or billing contact. It can also be the sponsoring registrar or hosting provider's information)
IDN Domain Names
There are times when you check an IDN name and it returns "Available" but when you submit the registration it fails. The error code in this situation is 510. It means the name has variants and therefore is not available for registration. The registry also blocks some characters of certain countries upon the request of the host country government.
.name registration rules
2nd Level .name name registrations: If a second level .name domain (for example, smith.name) is registered first, any registration of a third level name (whoever.smith.name) is prohibited. The registrant (owner of the domain name) can only setup email forwarding through their registrar or local ISP, not through the registry.
3rd Level .name name registrations: If a third level .name domain (for example, john.smith.name) is registered first, the second level name (for example, smith.name) is no longer available for registration. Any available third level name will be open to registration and email forwarding can only be setup through the registry.
name email forwarding
If your 3rd level .name name was transferred to us (not originally registered through us) and you wish to setup the email forwarding, you need to do "Update Domain" from the "Manage Domains" menu first before you set the email forwarding. By updating the 3rd level domain name, you have sent your Registrant and Contact information to the registry and that information needs to match the 3rd level domain name's information, before you can create the email forwarding.
About .Pro Names Registrations
AV Object can be reused by the registrant within 30 days (using the same authorization pin ) to register other third level names at $75 for the month of June only. Other normal time it is $125.
You can only register a third level .pro name if you have only one professional credentail. If you have two credentials on two different professions, you may register a second level .pro name.
How to transfer a domain name in your account to another account within 007names.com?
If you sell a domain or give a domain to another party to control, you need to change the ownership (domain account) of the domain name.
You need to obtain the new owner's account name with 007names.com first, and then login to your account to do "Change Domain Account" from the "Manage Domains" menu.
How to transfer a domain name between registrars?
A newly registered domain name can not be transferred within the first 60 days.
To successfully transfer a domain name between registrars you need to have the Auth Info of the domain name. (You need to contact your current registrar to obtain this Auth Info.) In addition, the domain name's status cannot be "Status: clientTransferProhibited", or "Status: clientUpdateProhibited". Contact your current registrar to remove/unlock either of these restrictions.
Once these steps have been taken care of, you can then initiate a transfer request from the gaining registrar's web site. The losing registrar CANNOT process the transfer request.
For 007Names.com customers, both LOCK or UNLOCK function and Auth Info(also called EPP Code) retrieval are located at the "Manage Domains" menu. The Auth Info is located in the "detail" link of the "View Domains" sub-menu. If the Auth Info is blank, please send an email to Support and we will email you the code.
A losing registrar has up to five (5) business days from the day of submission to approve or deny the transfer request. If the losing registrar does not respond within this five (5) day period, your request will automatically be approved.
Restoration of a deleted domain
When a domain name is deleted either by a registrar or by the domain name owner the domain registry will change the status of the domain name to "REDEMPTIONPERIOD". It will stay in the status for thirty (30) days for the original owner to claim it back. After the thirty day period the domain name will be moved to "PENDING DELETE" status and will stay in the status for five (5) days before it is released to the general public.
The sponsoring registrar of a deleted domain name needs to submit a "RESTORATION" request and then a "RESTORATION REPORT" to the domain's registry only if such a request is initiated by the registered domain name owner.
007Names.com charges $120 for the restoration service. If you have a deleted name and wish to restore it, you need to login to your account to make a deposit for the $120 restoration fee plus renewal fees of the domain name. Upon receiving the deposit we will submit a restoration application on your behalf and the domain name will be back to normal once we have completed the process.
How do I setup my dns records?
- Hover your mouse over "Domains" and click on Manage Domains
- Click Manage button on the right of the screen of the domain you want to update
- Under Free Services click Manage Dns
- Click here to see detailed instructions
How long does it take for dns to update?
Our DNS servers update every 15 minutes. It may take other ISPs' DNS servers up to 24 hours to reflect your new setting.
If your domain name is hosted by a hosting provider who uses their own DNS, please do not use any of the free services provided here. If you accidentally setup any of the free services while your domain name has been hosted, please do the "Change Name Servers" from the "Manage Domains" menu to correct the mistake.
Please be advised that we do not guarantee the quality of the free services.
What is URL Forwarding/Redirect?
Url Forwarding redirects your domain name to a target domain name of your choice.
How do I setup the free email for my domain?
- Hover your mouse over "Domains" and click on Manage Domains
- Click Manage button on the right of the screen of the domain you want to setup
- Under Free Services click Manage Webmail Account
- Enter your preferred email alias and password
- click Create
How do I setup url redirect/forwarding?
- Hover your mouse over "Domains" and click on Manage Domains
- Click Manage button on the right of the screen of the domain you want to setup
- Under Free Services click Domain URL Forwarding
- Select redirect type and enter your destination url
- click Create
How do I setup domain parking/sale?
- Hover your mouse over "Domains" and click on Manage Domains
- Click Manage button on the right of the screen of the domain you want to setup
- Under Free Services click Domain URL Forwarding
- To parking your domain, enter parking.jsp in the destination url
- To sale your domain, enter sale.jsp in the destination url
- click Create
How do I setup email forwarding?
- Hover your mouse over "Domains" and click on Manage Domains
- Click Manage button on the right of the screen of the domain you want to setup
- Under Free Services click Webmail Forwarding
- Enter your source email address and target address
- click Add
About WHOIS data of your domain names
If you only want to modify existing Registrant or Contacts information, you do "Update Registrant" or "Update Contacts" from "Manage Contacts" menu. Our "Update Registrant" or "Update Contacts'" will automatically send the new Registrant or Contact to the registry if it is a thick registry (responsible for their whois), and the domain names that use the same Registrant/Contact will automatically pick up the new info.
If you create a new Registrant or Contact and wish to have all or certain domain names to use the new one you have created, you need to use "Change Domain Registrant" or "Change Domain Contacts" from "Manage Domains" menu to update the domain whois info to the registry. "Update Domains" will do the same except it only takes care of one domain name at a time.
How to update your domain's whois information
Your domain's public whois information comes from the "Registrant" and "Contacts" listed on the "Manage Contacts" menu. You may modify the public whois information using "Update Registrant" and "Update Contacts" from the "Manage Contacts" menu.
If you are creating a new set of "Registrant' and "Contacts" for an existing domain name in your account, you need to do "Update Domains" from the "Manage Domains" menu once you have created the new "Registrant" and "Contacts".
How do I change my account information?
- Hover your mouse over "Account"
- Click My Account
- Enter your account information
- Click Save
How do I update my account password?
- Hover your mouse over "Account"
- Click My Account
- Click Password tab
- Enter your password
- Click Save
How do I update my account security questions?
- Hover your mouse over "Account"
- Click My Account
- Click Security Questions tab
- Select a question and enter your response
- Click Save
How do I view my account balance?
- Hover your mouse over "Account"
- Click View Balance
How do I make a deposit?
- Hover your mouse over "Account"
- Click Make Deposit
- Enter an amount and your creditcard information
- Click Deposit
How do I check my order history?
- Hover your mouse over "Account"
- Click Order history